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5 online shops and companies

16,187 reviews
Dé webshop voor elke visser! Bij TackleXL streven we ernaar om elke hengelsporter van de benodigde spullen te voorzien voor een geweldige visdag. Ons team bestaat uit enthousiaste vissers met ervaring in alle visserijen. Hierdoor kunnen wij deskundig advies op maat leveren, zowel voor de beginnende als de gevorderde visser! Het ruime assortiment wordt vertegenwoordigd door meer dan 150 verschillende merken. Bij TackleXL vind je altijd de nieuwste producten van alle grote hengelsportmerken!
6,577 reviews
Fishdeal is a webshop for all angling enthusiasts from young to old and from novice to experienced. Together with millions of others we share a passion: fishing. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy their leisure time by casting a fishing rod and to make this possible, we have new angling deals ready every day! In recent years, Fishdeal has become one of the largest angling webshops in Europe. By now, we have served hundreds of thousands of angling enthusiasts as satisfied customers and we have been able to keep them informed through our social media channels and our newsletters.
3,845 reviews
Benvenuto da Pescapromo, il negozio per tutti i pescatori da giovani ad anziani e da principianti ad esperti. Condividiamo una passione insieme ad altri milioni di persone: la pesca. Pensiamo che chiunque voglia debba potersi godersi una sessione di pesca nel tempo libero e per rendere questo possibile, sono disponibili nuove offerte di pesca ogni giorno! Negli scorsi anni Pescapromo è cresciuto fino a diventare uno dei più grandi negozi online di pesca in Europa. Ad oggi, abbiamo servito centinaia di migliaia di pescatori come clienti con grande soddisfazione, e siamo stati in grado di tenerli informati attraverso i nostri canali di social media e le nostre newsletter.
1,449 reviews
Fishdeal is a webshop for all angling enthusiasts from young to old and from novice to experienced. Together with millions of others we share a passion: fishing. We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy their leisure time by casting a fishing rod and to make this possible, we have new angling deals ready every day! In recent years, Fishdeal has become one of the largest angling webshops in Europe. By now, we have served hundreds of thousands of angling enthusiasts as satisfied customers and we have been able to keep them informed through our social media channels and our newsletters.
1,250 reviews
Witamy na Zlowokazje, sklepie internetowym dla wszystkich miłośników wędkarstwa, od młodych po starszych i od początkujących po doświadczonych. Razem z milionami innych osób dzielimy jedną pasję: Wędkarstwo. Twierdzimy że każdy powinien mieć możliwość spędzania wolnego czasu zarzucając wędkę i aby to umożliwić, codziennie przygotowujemy nowe wędkarskie deal’e! W ostatnich latach Zlowokazje stał się jednym z największych internetowych sklepów wędkarskich w Europie. Do tej pory obsłużyliśmy już setki tysięcy entuzjastów wędkarstwa jako zadowolonych klientów i informujemy ich na bieżąco o nowościach poprzez nasze kanały mediów społecznościowych i nasz newsletter.