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About localartshop.co.uk

Local art shop set up for artist by artists. Looking to discover the best products for each level of artist at the right price. For artists working in paints, we have sourced some of the world's best ready-made paints, which includes the Sennelier and Royal Talens who do not compromise on quality of pigment and method of making any of their paints from their studio level to their artist level. We also have what's we consider the best of the UK and is probably the world. We stock a range of Pro Arte brushes which are designs and made to such a good standard. As well as papers from UK mills such as Saunders Waterford and Bockingford. Local art shop shout about these and have made their own pads to celebrate the best of British, as we would recommend this paper above all others. We also have the everyday products that are ideal for any beginner such as the Royal Langnickel essentials ranges of paints, brushing canvas. Our staff of very knowledgeable and helpful always happy to talk. Local art shop has built up over the last 10 years to be one of the leading arts suppliers for the UK on the on-line market place, as well as locally in the shop.
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scratch craft limited
4 main rd, gedling
ng43hp nottingham
United Kingdom
